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But I must say, going to Pro Tools added a few things that are NOT in Reaper or Sonar of which I have two versions running.This may or may not be important for the engineering side of things. Reaper is a fine platform, easy to use easy to work with, I did use it for a month or two.

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I also have 2 or 3 local friends on the same platform and we talk often, we talk the same language.

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I happen to use Pro-Tools as I work in studios that use Pro-Tools so I am on a consistent platform plus I get to watch and learn from fine engineers as they perform the magic. I also suspect that he would do the exact same thing on any DAW, be it Sonar or Pro-Tools etc. Greg above also produces fine tracks and obviously has his process down. What may be perfect for Patrick above may not be perfect for another user. The thing about DAW's is that each of us use them differently and our purposes and end goals vary.

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